The Worship Ministry Guidebook
Engaging your congregation in transformational worship
Now available!
Congregations all over the world are experiencing a lack of congregational participation in worship. Often worship leaders can do things unknowingly to create such an environment. This book is not a scholarly book; it is a practical book of what we, as worship leaders, can do to engage our congregations in transformational worship. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned worship leader, the contents of this book will equip, challenge and encourage you to better lead your congregation into participatory worship that disciples them and gives voice to their worship and praise.
This is a guidebook that walks you through every aspect of leading worship in the church– understanding what worship is, what it means to be a worship leader, how to plan worship that truly engages your people, how to prepare everyone for leading worship, and finally, practical instruction in many areas of worship, such as speaking between songs, platform presence, musical transitions between songs, creating a worship service with flow and direction, and much more.

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What people are saying
In this timeless resource, Kenny Lamm helps those of us who lead congregational worship to discover principles of why we worship before offering some helpful practices of how we worship. Much like a GPS, a guidebook offers several routes to help you reach your destination. Our destination, or whom we worship, must always be the same. How we get there often varies depending on the uniqueness of our congregational contexts and cultures. The various practical applications Kenny offers are always based on firm theological foundations involving your congregation as participants instead of spectators. This guidebook can transform your worship if you’ll return to it often, especially when you or your congregation gets stuck trying to discern another worship route or reconfirm your current one.
David Manner, Executive Director, Church Forward; Author of Better Sundays Begin on Monday
An invaluable resource to you and your ministry for years to come.
I enthusiastically recommend Kenny Lamm’s The Worship Ministry Guidebook: Engaging Your Congregation in Transformational Worship. As one of the most prolific and highly respected worship proponents today, Lamm draws from his extensive experience as a worship leader, mentor, teacher, and consultant to offer guidance that is both highly practical and biblically grounded. He’s also thorough, ranging from foundations of worship and worship leadership to worship planning, from leading a worship service to worship evaluation. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned veteran, The Worship Ministry Guidebook will be an invaluable resource to you and your ministry for years to come.
Scott Shepherd, Worship & Music Specialist, Tennessee Baptist Mission Board
I plan to use this for my students!
The Worship Ministry Guidebook is a phenomenal resource for current worship leaders, and a special tool for the training of young worship leaders. I have always been impressed by the work and ministry of Kenny Lamm, but this is gold! It is a compilation of wisdom from many of the absolute best worship contributors compiled into one readable and memorable source, along with Kenny’s experience and guidance. I believe that every worship pastor currently serving in leadership in any church, any style, any size, as well as those who are preparing for ministry, will be challenged and equipped with wisdom that will help each of us succeed in our God-called journey.
Larry Grayson, Chair, Department of Worship Studies, Ouachita Baptist University.
Very thoughtful, concise, practical, and easy to read!
This book is jam-packed with practical information that is concise and easy to read! This is a book that will be an incredible resource now and years to come. Kenny Lamm has given check lists that helps you evaluate your worship leadership style and skills, practical guides on engagement with your congregation, as well as how-to skills with your worship teams and so much more. He leads you through every area of worship leadership…from congregational singing to ministry goals to sound observations and everything else you can think of! Whether you have been doing worship ministry for 1 day or 50 years…this is the book for you! I highly recommend this book
Karen Gosselin, Coordinator, State Missionary, Worship Resources, Alabama State Board of Missions
Where was this book when I was starting ministry?!
Seriously – every Minister of Music, worship leader, and Pastor would benefit greatly from The Worship Ministry Guidebook. Kenny Lamm shares his journey and passion for ministry and gives sound and practical advice for those engaged in worship and music ministry – no matter what style or size of your church or ministry. Timely, engaging, and helpful in every way, this book should be on your desk – not your bookshelf.
Dr. Randy C. Lind, Worship & Music Ministry Partner, Oklahoma Baptists; Director, Singing Churchmen and Singing Churchwomen of Oklahoma
An invaluable tool for any worship leader.
As a young worship leader, I followed Kenny’s blog posts for inspiration and advice that contributed greatly to my development. Having a comprehensive resource like this is an invaluable tool for any worship leader of any church, regardless of size or style.
Kevin Ferstl, Director of Worship & Communication, Church Forward
Any pastor, worship minister, or church leader would find great insights and advice in leading their congregation in worship.
Practical, Practical, Practical. Kenny Lamm has spent a lifetime training worship leaders, and now he has put into words what has made him so successful in doing so. Kenny’s awareness and application of Scripture is what helps the most. I will use this as a resource for ALL Kentucky Baptist Churches.”
Jason Bubba Stewart, Worship & Music Consultant, Kentucky Baptist Convention
Whether you’re a seasoned worship leader or just starting out, this book will inspire and equip you to lead with excellence and authenticity.
Planning, preparing, and leading worship requires both skill and heart. This book provides invaluable insights, practical tips, and helpful tools to guide worship leaders in creating meaningful and transformative worship experiences.
Rhon Carter – Worship & Music Catalyst – Georgia Baptist Mission Board
Reading this book will help every person in worship ministry learn how to engage their congregation in the type of worship that leads to life transformation.
Like a well-trained, sure-handed surgeon, Kenny brilliantly walks through the intricacies of understanding biblical worship and the role of the worship leader. From styles of worship to introducing new songs, no stone is left unturned.
Matt Freeman, Director of Worship and Music, South Carolina Baptist Convention
I highly recommend this book for current and future worship leaders.
One of the most vital things in church life is congregational participation during worship. It’s an instant snapshot into a church’s health. My friend, Kenny Lamm, addresses the challenge of engaging the congregation for worship head-on in this book. The Worship Ministry Guidebook is a vital resource for all worship pastors. In our close-knit group of Baptist state denominational worship directors, we affectionally call Kenny, our ‘President’…with good reason. Kenny is a great resource for worship pastors and has many hands-on tips, including important foundations for selecting and teaching congregational songs.
Tom Tillman, Director of Music & Worship, Texas Baptists
Outstanding text, essential reading for today’s worship ministries!
Kenny Lamm writes with wisdom, clarity, and doesn’t miss a detail. We need to listen to his heart for the Lord’s church, a seasoned perspective of a respected leader who is missional and next-gen focused.
Dr. Slater Murphy, Director, Worship Ministries, Mississippi Baptist Convention
About the author
KENNY LAMM, worship ministry strategist for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, leads worship conferences globally and serves frequently as a guest worship leader. The curriculum represented in this book is used extensively in equipping worship leaders in churches today around the world. Kenny received his bachelor’s degree in music from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, master’s degree in church music from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and was awarded the Advanced Graduate Certificate in Worship Studies from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois. Kenny serves as an adjunct professor of worship at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He is married to Sandy and has two grown children, Kevin and Katie.
Download a free worship evaluation checklist
This worship evaluation checklist is built off of the concepts presented in the book, The Worship Ministry Guidebook: Engaging your Congregation in Transformational Worship.
Work through the evaluation, and if you feel your services need help in any of these areas, grab a copy of the book and find ways to truly engage your congregation in transformational worship.

Group Study Guide to Be Released Soon
Many worship leaders using this curriculum have wanted a way to get their entire teams on track for leading transformational worship. The free, downloadable study guide will provide a way to take your whole team through the concepts in the book.